Welcome to the EU

February 16, 2007

I just read this. Seriously, how do you justify it?

* Here’s one for the we-kid-you-not file: Bus passengers in Bulgaria’s capital are being shown soft-core porn films on giant video screens at night.

During the day, the plasma screens in the Sofia station show bus times, but the night shift now has the porn films on view.

A spokesman for the bus-station management said: “We wanted to give the passengers something to take their minds off the cold and to pass the time while waiting for a bus, and there are unlikely to be children around that time of night.”

Please tell us they also lock the public restrooms after dark.

via Tina

P.S. I tried commenting, but I’m at work, and my comments get recognized as spam….

One Response to “Welcome to the EU”

  1. Lemon said

    ти пък що се чудиш? немската “първа програма” или по немски му ard през нощта по кабеларката в българия се превръща в хардпорно сайт. и то толкова хард, че изпускаш дистанционното, изхвърчат ти очите и ставаш някво зомби, докато не се усетиш, че има и копче за изключване. българия, майна, българия…

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